Episode 5 of the Countryfile Autumn Diaries

Episode 5 of the Countryfile Autumn Diaries contains a piece on 4×4 usage in the Lake District National Park and rather unsurprisingly its bias doesn’t genuinely reflect the true situation.

Please watch between 8 mins and 17 minutes

Listen carefully to what they say and note there is no support from our side of the argument. 2 antis and one sit on the fence. Not very balanced…


In fact its worse than that as its a very poor piece of journalism that perpetuates the lies and untruths made up by the anti-vehicle lobby.

Please lodge your complaints about the programme at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/contact/complaints

You can also email the show directly to complain to the production team countryfile@bbc.co.uk

Thank you.

Countryfile Autumn Diaries, 2019: Episode 5: www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0009vll

via @bbciplayer


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