Just back from a fantastic Croatia Tour. Great fun in the forests and mountains of Croatia. This tour is as varied as the terrain is in Croatia. The northern part is heavily forested while the south has a more Mediterranean feel with rocky mountains. The western area is more of a mix of both.
For this trip we had 2 separate groups of customers, one from Liverpool Land Rover club is 3 Defender 110’s and a Range Rover P38, then a mix group of Defenders plus a awesome Jeep Wrangler and new Grenadier, which was very interesting to so how it went…
Plus we were also accompanied by Journalist John Pearson and Photographer Bob Atkins in the Tangier Orange G4 Defender
Series 3 now out – World’s Most Dangerous roads.
Actually most of them look pretty tame, but given the lack of any other programs about vehicle based travel this is as good as it gets.
Once you learn to skip past the banal banter of the B list celebrities there is a decent travel program underneath, occasionally including a bit of off-road action. Locations and scenery look fantastic. Well worth watching to see where they go, but keep a finger hovered over the FWD button just incase the wet celebrities get really irritating.

Coming soon…
Hello all,
We are launching a new series of one day tours…
As lockdown restrictions are now easing in England I feel it is appropriate to start planning for the future.
We will look to start small and local with an aim to restart with a series of 5 single day trips in Central and Southern England
New Dates as follows
Cotswolds Saturday 27/06/2020
Dorset Saturday 04/07/2020
Salisbury Plain Saturday 11/07/2020
East Devon Saturday 18/07/2020
Ridgeway Saturday 25/07/2020
Further trips will be announced soon, depending on the popularity of these trips, restrictions allowing.
At this present time we do not want to over-commit to a schedule we can’t deliver on…
Once campsites reopen we will look at longer weekend and 4 day trips.
Due to group size restrictions of 6 people meeting up outside, initial trips will be charged per person with a max group size of 5 people and/or vehicle per trip plus the guide. This will be relaxed back to 5 vehicles (irrespective of passengers) as soon as practicable possible. This does mean if you have 2 people in a vehicle you will pay double etc.
Episode 5 of the Countryfile Autumn Diaries contains a piece on 4×4 usage in the Lake District National Park and rather unsurprisingly its bias doesn’t genuinely reflect the true situation.
Please watch between 8 mins and 17 minutes
Listen carefully to what they say and note there is no support from our side of the argument. 2 antis and one sit on the fence. Not very balanced…
In fact its worse than that as its a very poor piece of journalism that perpetuates the lies and untruths made up by the anti-vehicle lobby.
Please lodge your complaints about the programme at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/contact/complaints
You can also email the show directly to complain to the production team countryfile@bbc.co.uk
Thank you.
Countryfile Autumn Diaries, 2019: Episode 5: www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0009vll
via @bbciplayer
Spotted this on our recent trip in Morocco, a rare Houbara Bustard.
As we like to claim, our trips are intended as an off-road 4×4 adventure, not cultural tours, but it doesn’t meant you wont see or experience many interesting things…..